The mechanisms of multisensory integration in the hippocampal network

Karola Kaefer, Morgane S. Audrain, Jeroen Bos, Francesco P. Battaglia

Date / Location: Wednesday, 13 July 2022 / S07-082
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The hippocampus is well established to a main site of spatial coding, but has also been shown to respond to other sensory modalities such as visual and auditory stimuli. We here aim to address the neural mechanisms of sensory integration at the level of the hippocampus and some of its main input and output areas, the perirhinal cortex (PER), lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) and retrosplenial cortex (RSC). We have here developed a virtual reality task for mice that requires integration of spatial, auditory and visual information (“Multisensory Linear Track”). Briefly, a tone sequence at the beginning of the trial indicated which of the two object sequences positioned along the linear track was rewarded. During this task and sleep, neural activity was recorded with two Neuropixels probes, one targeting the hippocampus and RSC, and the other targeting the PER and LEC. Single unit responses from all four areas were analysed in terms of their selectivity to spatial, auditory and visual input. Units that responded to one or more inputs were further classified into either factorized or conjunctive coding cells, respectively. Between any two brain areas we then searched for functionally coupled cells, and determined whether the response properties of a neuron could be predicted by the responses of upstream neurons it is functionally coupled with. In further analysis we are exploring the mechanisms of population coding in the different areas and inter-area communication.


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